Monday, July 14, 2008

Quick Update: Red Hook Art Gallery Opening July 26

Hello friends,

Just sending a quick update here...more details to follow.

I have now officially hung my art on my alotted 8' x 8' panel and ready for the gallery opening in Red Hook. The show curator recommended 3 of my images for display; with the potential for an additional 3 to be hung prior to the opening.
The space (an old warhouse) is very urban in nature with stone walls, wood beams running through and large metal shutters surrounding each window. In fact, one of my fine art prints on display is a creative image of the warehouse!

I hope you have the opportunity to stop by as this is my first gallery showcase. The show titled, "Hot!" will run from July 26 - August 17 on Saturdays and Sundays from 1PM - 6PM. For more information, please visit directly or go through my website -

I am currently setting up my online presence on BWAC's website, as well as contributing prints to their flat file collection. At the show, you can view my flat file prints on their large screen, and then request to see the actual print.

Hope you are all having a very enjoyable summer. Stay tuned for my next post...