Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays & Season's Greetings! Wishing you a happy, healthy and wealthy close out to 2008 and beginning of a new year. This year has been a very exciting one for me and will lead into an interesting new year. I am planning on working on some fresh ideas and providing new products and services.

In the meantime, here is the holiday card we put out to our friends and family. Ava will be celebrating her 1st Xmas and I am looking forward to seeing the expression on her face. Having this experience at 8 months old looks to be the right time to really get into it (even if that means liking the ripping of the paper more than the gift! We will see if that is true when Elmo live makes his presence!).

Can you imagine what that 1st feeling must be like - we have all had it....I truly enjoy photography that much and each experience and encounter with clients and fine art buyers allows me to feel that as well.

Once again, happy holidays and I look forward to sharing experiences, providing updates and possibly working with you in the New Year! Enjoy and against what everyone says, "Eat and Drink Plenty!” Worry about the consequences the next day and do something about it January 1st! Just don't get behind a wheel if the drink plenty party describes you!

Warmest (and I do mean warmest - it is cold outside in nYc!),


1 Comment:

roentare said...

So adorable and cute in deed!

Nice work!