Thursday, February 12, 2009

Amazon Kindle 2

Hello everyone,

It has been a while since I last wrote a blog story but for good reason. I am undergoing a website and blog overhaul to compliment my true photographic offerings so much of my time is spent there nowadays so my brand is out there as my recognition is expanding.

That being said, I would love to hear from all of you with your updates. I am in a busy cycle, which is excellent given the current economy. My portrait work has been growing and many of you have provided me with referrals - as always I want to personally THANK YOU for all you have helped me with!

While I am in transition, I wanted to pass you information on the Amazon Kindle 2 - the electronic book wich is the size of a magazine but has the abaility to store your entire book collection. Not sure if you have made the transition to reading your books on a screen, but this device provides a similarity to a book - you can e-turn the page to have the effect, and it is something you can hold in your hand as compared to trying to read on a laptop or phone.

Anyway, I thought some of you may enjoy this. If you are like me and commuting on a bus for a 1/2 hour plus 5 days a week, then this may be something you want to add in your bag.

Here is the link ->

Please pass to anyone else you may think is interested as well. Let me know what you think!

Thanks and I will speak with you soon. I will be reaching out to you once I have "re-branded". The bi-monthly blogs should begin again in March.

- Dan